We are currently looking for artist teachers who can teach monthly (or every other month) classes in any of the following mediums - Watercolors, Pastels, Drawing, Oils, Colored Pencil or Mixed Media.
Little info about you (where you have taught, how long you have been making art/ teaching, what you like to create and anything else you want to share.
An example of what you would like to teach
What we do We take are of all of the booking aspects, we add your classes to the web-site, get the students to sign up and pay ahead of time and communicating with students before class.
What we ask the teachers to do Help promote the class (add it to your social media platforms) and teach a fun class. We do ask that if you teach other places you keep the fees the same for the same length of class.
Pay Teachers pay is based on the number of students in class and we at the end of each class. We split registration fees with our artists so the more students in class the more the teachers make. If you charge a material fee you keep that entire amount.
(Please note we already have 2 acrylic teachers and a mosaic teacher so are not looking for people in these mediums)
If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to Jen - Jen@redbrickart.com or call 805-827-1095.