Winter Wonderland Watercolor Series
Wednesdays Jan 8th - 29th 11am - 2pm $260 each includes all supplies or $55 a class or $70 with supplies First you’ll learn how reflected light, cast shadows and misty fog can be used to convey a snowy mountain landscape, next we’ll paint the evening glow of a winter sunset on lush snow-covered evergreens, then let’s enjoy painting frozen mountain streams with beautiful backgrounds & lastly capture the beauty of animals in winter’s snow. Week #1: January 8th - Winter Fog & Mist with Distant Mountains and Pine Trees Atmosphere can be created by many watercolor techniques, in this class we will explore a variety of ways to create fog and mist in a cool winter landscape. Week #2: January 15th - Evening Glow of a Winter Sunset on Snow Covered Trees Create a luminous night scene with the illusion of fluffy, reflective snow banks & powerful contrasts of cast shadows and dark snowy pines. Week #3: January 22nd - Beauty of a Winter Stream & a Rugged Mountain Range We will paint a snow-covered rugged mountain range with a beautiful gently flowing river scene in the foreground with colorful reflections. Week #4: January 29th - Capture the Beauty of Animals in Winter’s Snow Choose from a selection of winter animals in their snowy environment. |